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Micha Lewinsky

Micha Lewinsky

Micha Lewinsky, born in Kassel in 1972, is a screenwriter and film director, with projects including The Friend (›Swiss Film Prize‹), Will You Marry Us? and One-Way to Moscow. He also produced Earworms, catchy songs for children that have found their way into virtually every Swiss child’s room. Lewinsky is currently working on a new feature film. He lives in Zurich with his two children. 

Micha Lewinsky
Flight or Fight
General Fiction / 288 pages
Im Warenkorb
Micha Lewinsky & Lawrence Grimm
Holly in Heaven
Children's books / 272 pages
Im Warenkorb
Sobald wir angekommen sind
Sobald wir angekommen sind
Holly im Himmel
Holly im Himmel
Holly im Himmel